Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A Musical Genogram

Have any of you ever filled out a genogram?  They are a very useful tool (commonly used for medical and psychological purposes and genealogy).  They list your ancestors and find your place on your family tree. It is a symbol picture of your extended family members, and it can describe a number of characteristics (in this case, musicality).

Here is a sample:

Here is how it works:

1)  The student works with the teacher to fill in the genogram.  You are the colored box in the middle of the chart.

2)  We want to look at the past several generations, then you, and then your own family unit and your children and grandchildren.

3)  The concept of a genogram is based on the assumption that some basic patterns or traits between mother, father and children are replicas of past generations that will repeat themselves in future generations.

4)  The genogram helps you, the student, to see yourself as connected to your family in important ways.  It defines commonalities and uniqueness with other family members.

5)  The genogram is drawn on a single piece of paper. The various symbols illustrate your family story in a unique way--in this case, we are only looking for musical influences in past, present and future generations.  It is a non-judgmental exercise, and it is helpful to perform regardless of your family relationships.

We will be discussing this in the studio, so be thinking of the 'musical' members of your family.  You may have to talk to other family members to find out more about grandparents or great-grandparents and their musical histories.

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